This is the web page of the Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering research group at the Politecnico di Torino.

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The 2024 Aperitivo on the Rocks

The Rockmech team was out for an aperitivo last night to share, meet and enjoy. A very local habit lively interpreted by the today's global nature of the team which includes researchers from China, Colombia, France, Iran and, of course, Italy from North to South. So, not only martini (or vermouth, as we say here) on the rocks but also aguardiente, ayran, moutai and ...what else.

Symbolically, the 2024 group photo is taken in front of the Frejus tunnel monument in the central Piazza Statuto in Torino. It is a pyramid of large stones from the Frejus Tunnel with a Winged Genie at the top. On the various boulders of the fountain, there are also the statues of some Titans killed by the Winged Genius. Following the positivist spirit of the historical period in which the work was made, the statue would be an allegory of the victory of Reason (the Winged Genius) over brute force (the Titans), necessary to build the tunnel. Reinterpreting, it is a nice message also for the world today, thriving between cruel wars where the Reason seems lost.

The Frejus tunnel has rich connections with the research team and the Politecnico di Torino. Built in 1871 the 13,6 km tunnel to connect Torino and Italy to France, is the first tunnel under the Alps and the first in the world to see the use of mechanised systems for excavation such as the pneumatic automatic drilling machine. The pioneering efforts needed to excavate the Frejus tunnel recall the studies on deep excavations, tunnelling, brittle behaviour, and squeezing conditions which are still current topics of researchers of the team together with the current challenges in ground engineering addressing sustainability, energy and climate change. 

The timeless connections between the past and the future of engineering and of the Rockmech team of the Politecnico di Torino is probably the take-home message from the nice evening.

1st July 2024

A new approach for predicting brittle or ductile failure of rock in deep excavations - Lorenzo Milan PhD defense

Last Monday 1st of July, Lorenzo Milan completed his PhD with the discussion of his work 'A new approach for predicting brittle or ductile failure of rock in deep excavations', under the supervisors Monica Barbero and Mauro Borri Brunetto. The Evaluation Board composed by Marco Barla, Daniela Boldini, Pietro Cornetti, Leandro Alejano and Josè Muralha agreed on an excellent evaluation. Congratulations to Lorenzo by the whole Rockmech team!

7-8 Giugno 2024

XIII IAGIG - Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici

Il 7 e l’8 Giugno 2024 il Politecnico di Torino ha ospitato il XIII Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici (IAGIG), un’iniziativa intesa a promuovere la discussione di argomenti di Ingegneria Geotecnica in ambito accademico e professionale. L’evento è stato patrocinato dall’Associazione Geotecnica Italiana (AGI) e dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica del Politecnico di Torino (DISEG).

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